Groups & Classes

Connect Groups, Small Groups & Classes

A unique aspect of Cornerstone Church is our adult small group strategy. In a day and time when Sunday School seems to be a thing of the past, God has graciously connected our Sunday School program to the small group strategy most churches use today. While we still meet on Sunday mornings, our Connect Groups are thriving and active and provide an avenue to connect people within a large church setting while studying the Word of God together. Most groups meet for fellowships and outings in addition to the Sunday morning study. When our members face trials, death of loved ones, and sickness, their Connect Groups are a life-line and support for each other. Find and join a group today.

COVID-19 STATEMENT: Due to the ongoing pandemic, all classes are currently meeting via Zoom. Send us an email and we can connect you with the class Zoom ID of your choice. Email us at

Find A Group

Purpose of Groups

Community & Family

Our small groups start out as a Bible study group, but soon people respond by opening up and it doesn’t take long for group members to start understanding the spiritual and family relationship of each member to the other members. We become family.

Genuine Authenticity And Transparency

The beauty of small groups is that it’s a place to be real. When you're part of a healthy small group for the first time, it may take a few weeks to start opening up and actually sharing more than “I'm doing fine” when others ask how you are. After three or four weeks of meeting together, a healthy group will be a place where people open up and start sharing their pain and triumphs. Small groups allow you an opportunity to give and receive genuine authenticity and transparency.

People Grow In Knowledge And Grace

This is the difference in our small groups. We grow in knowledge as we study the Word of God together, but knowledge does nothing but puffs us up unless we’re applying what we’re hearing and becoming more like Jesus. Thereby, grace takes over. In our groups, we're not looking to become the most biblically astute people without surrounding that knowledge with grace for those who may or may not be on the same spiritual level. We learn and share together.

A Desire To Gather Together

When a group is healthy, there is a desire and a delight in getting together. It doesn’t feel like “one more thing” but rather “when can we meet next?” And healthy groups are intentional about meeting if at all possible. Illness, travel, weather, and other events can get in the way, obviously, but for the most part, healthy groups get together regularly because they want to do so. Our groups also get together and fellowship outside of the regular meeting times.

Find A 9AM Sunday Morning Group

Men A 

Age Range: 40+
Location: Conference Room

Men B

Age Range: 18-40
Location: Room 305

Couples A

Age Range: Multi-Generational 18+
Location: Room 311

Couples B/C

Age Range: 30-55
Location: Room 323

Couples D/F

Age Range: 35-60
Location: Room 322

Couples E

Age Range: Multi-generational 50+
Location: Room 160


Age Range: 40+
Location: Room 318


Age Range: Multi-Generational
Location: Room 303

Young Adults

Age Range: 18 - 39
Location: East Portable

Women A

Age Range: Multi-Generational
Location: Room 320

Women B

Age Range: 30-45
Location: Room 304

Women C

Age Range: 18-45
Location: Room 321

Women D 

Age Range: 40-60
Location: Room 316

Women E

Age Range: 55+
Location: Room 116